Recently, there has been too much hype around "chunky" hamsters which more often than not, supports obesity. Such hamsters pictured are being kept in poor conditions (tiny cages etc, size reference of an A4 paper), forced fed with high calorie and high protein food with no wheel or space to move, thus being "chunky".
Typical Syrian hamster (pet stores, backyard breeders) weighs 100-140g as full grown adults due to the lack of knowledge in genetics etc.
Pedigree Syrian hamster (ethical breeders) weighs 150-300g, this is only achievable by studying of genetics, nutrition, documentation etc. These “chunky” hamsters do not have excess flabs as the registered breeders have to attend regular shows and having obese hamsters will have points docked off, I.e. it is not allowed.
The above pictures are taken from an unethical breeder in Singapore. Hamsters are claimed to have "giant gene" and at times, claimed to be imported from reputable breeders in Europe (this specific backyard breeder was called out by the reputable imposed). Their hamsters are also priced exorbitantly from $200, up to $688 or $888.
There should not be a variation in how hamsters are priced due to their colours or coats as there is no colour/coat superior than the other. That said, there is also no giant genes hamsters ever - the term "giant genes" is simply a marketing ruse.
Health > Size
As long as your hamster is happy, healthy, have a steady weight, housing and fed as per recommendations, please avoid supporting or purposefully attempting to house your hamster in a small cage/feed fatty or overly high protein food etc to increase their weight/size.
Overly feeding of Protein/Fats could cause:
Heart Failure
Kidney Failure
Shortened Lifespan